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Interpolation Theory


Let $x_0, x_1, … , x_n$ be distinct real or complex numbers, and let $y_0 , y_1, …, y_n$ be associated function values. We now study the problem of finding a polynomial p (x) that interpolates the given data:

By writing: $p(x) = a_0 + a_1x + … + a_mx^m$

Consider that m = n, then

It can be written that $Xa = y$, with

The matrix X is called a Vandermonde matrix.


Given n + 1 distinct points $x_0, … , x_n$ and n + 1 ordinates $y_0, …, y_n$, there is a polynomial p(x) of $degree \le n$ that interpolates $y_i$ at $x_i$, i = 0, 1, … , n. This polynomial p(x) is unique among the set of all polynomials of degree at most n.

Below are three kinds of proofs.


  • It can be shown that for the matrix X,

    This shows that $det(X) \ne 0$, since the points $x_i$ are distinct. Thus X is nonsingular and the system $Xa = y$ has a unique solution a. This proves the existence and uniqueness of an interpolating polynomial of $degree \le n$.

  • The system $Xa = y$ has a unique solution iff the homogeneous system $Xb = 0$ has only the trivial solution b = 0. Therefore, assume $Xb = 0$ for some b. Using b, define

    From the system $Xb = 0$, we have

    The polynomial p(x) has n + 1 zeros and degree $p(x) \le n$. This is not possible unless $p(x) \equiv 0$. But then all coefficients $b = 0, i = 0, 1, … , n$, completing the proof.

  • Consider a special polynomial

    Then the polynomial can be rewritten

    Since all $l_i(x)$ have degree n, degree $p(x) \le n$.

    To prove uniqueness, suppose q(x) is another polynomial of degree $\le$ n that satisfies (1). Define

    Then degree $r(x) \le n$, and

    Since r(x) has n + 1 zeros, we must have $r(x) \equiv 0$, which proves $p(x) \equiv q(x)$, completing the proof.
